Friday, October 15, 2010

Midterms? Psh. No big deal. (Oh, and Lauren & I rock at shuffleboard)

The level of calm that surrounded this semesters midterms (for me, at least) was a little unnerving. I’ve always been one to kinda panic about tests (the Type A overachiever in me freaks out), but not this time. Like I said before, they didn’t sneak up on me – I felt prepared. And so, I didn’t do a whole lot of additional studying…it felt kinda surreal.

We started out with our Leadership exam on Monday. I studied an average amount – I went through and made my “review pages” like I always do, flipped through the book skimming over passages I’d marked and making sure I hadn’t missed anything on my sheets, but that was about it. It went well – I ended up with a 98% (aside: it should have been a 100, the ONE question I missed was rigged…the rest of the class agrees).

The exam I was most worried about was on Tuesday – Marketing Research. I think I was worried simply because there was no “best” way to study…and that just made me nervous. I filled out the study guide then went over it pretty thoroughly with a friend. We discussed the more “vague” areas and looked over the analysis problems we’d done. That was about all we could do, but I didn’t feel super prepared still. I went home and skimmed through several of the chapters and went over the study guide one more time before I felt comfortable enough to sleep. I did alright on that one, too, another 98% (don’t scoff, that’s a 98% with a 12 pt. curve…so yes, it’s “alright” not “good”).

Wednesday was our Ethics FINAL. It’s an 8-week class, so instead of a midterm, we just had a final. I probably studied the least for this one – mostly under the mindset of: it’s ethics…shouldn’t I be able to figure out the answers…? Well…yes and no. The class covered a lot of theory, so I made sure I went over those several times. I made review pages and flipped through the slides (and skimmed through the book that was never officially assigned to the class but that I have thanks to a classmate who’s taken the class before). I ended up with a 92%...for how I studied, I’ll take it.

So, midterms are over now! Yay! We’re halfway through. Does this semester seem to being going by really fast to anyone else?

In other fun news, we had our Fall Social last night. We all met up at Powerhouse and mingled with the part-time (MMBA) class as well as a few prospective students who'd come to hear more about the program. Afterwards, several of us went over to Sideways for a game of shuffleboard. The boys made the mistake of letting us play Guys v. Girls. Lauren and I beat them 23-9. Yeah, we're awesome like that - not competitive at all :) 

War Eagle Arts & Crafts Festival is this weekend. Check back for updates on that. 'Til then.

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