Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Birth(week) Heather!

So, my roommate's birthday was last Tuesday. I understand that not everyone embraces the awesomeness that are birthdays, but I like them...a lot. So, we kinda spent a whole week celebrating Heather's birthday.

On Tuesday, her actual birthday, we had lunch at Rick's (naturally), then spent some time wandering Borders. Kinda laid-back (but that was mostly 'cause we had real plans for Thursday....and, she didn't know, but there were surprise plans for Wednesday, too).

Wednesday: we surprised Heather with cake, frozen yogurt (at 3 Spoons, a new place on campus) and presents after our RUF large group meeting.
Then, on Thursday we had dinner at Kobe. Did the whole Hibachi thing AND got free dessert. It was pretty awesome.

Yay birthdays - and roommates. Happy Birthweek, Heather!

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