Sunday, October 10, 2010

Adventures in Puppy-Sitting

My friend Holly has a sweet little Cavalier-Poodle mix named Bella. Precious, right?
She’s a few months younger than Gigi, but they’re about they same size, so they play well together. Holly and her husband went to Dallas this weekend for the Arkansas-A&M game, so Bella and Gigi had a sleepover.

It was funny to watch them play. Gigi was SUPER excited at first and Bella was pretty upset that Will had left her in a new house with a crazy ball of white fluff, but she eventually came around. Gigi quickly changed her “OMG let’s play” attitude, though, once she realized that playing involved sharing her toys. She is not accustomed to sharing ANYTHING – toys, beds, couches, me…so she once the excitement of having a friend over wore off, she no longer wanted to play. As a matter of fact, every time Bella would pick up a toy, Gigi would run to me and poke me like, “Mom! She’s got my rope! Look! Don’t you see this is a problem?! Why aren’t you helping?” Then she’d go take the rope from Bella, bring it to me, put it in my lap, and sit on it. 

Eventually they learned to share and the rest of the weekend was full of epic tug-o-war matches (with Bella generally winning a) cause she’s bigger and b) cause Gigi would get annoyed and come tattle to me – forfeiting her shot at winning). This was one of our better moments:
We went to the farmer’s market on Saturday morning and they had a BLAST. They got cooed over and loved on and got to play with kiddos. 
They’re a sweet little duo. Today we went and hung out on Old Main lawn. The leaves are starting to change and it’s just beautiful. It was a great weekend.

Sidenote: the football game went well. We won, and in the end, that’s what matters, but I’m glad we weren’t playing an SEC team. We’d’ve gotten stomped. We HAVE to play better next week. Oh, and Bama lost…I can’t decide if this is good or bad.

I have midterms tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday…blerg. I’ll let you know how they go. ‘Til then…

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