Saturday, December 25, 2010

We interrupt your regular programming to bring you...India!

I’m leaving for India in the morning…naturally that means I’m going to bed and getting a good night’s sleep…oooor typing a blog entry. I’m kinda sad (cause I had to leave St. Louis on Christmas and drive back to Fayetteville…WITHOUT Gigi (who is staying with my parents while I’m gone)), but I’m also super excited. Honestly, I feel kinda like tonight is Christmas Eve, rather than last night. I always get this way the night before I leave on a trip - no matter how packed I am or how many lists I’ve made or how sure I am that everything is done, I sit up for a few extra hours going over everything that I could have forgotten…crap! Rent! Hang on…

Okay, rent is paid…and internet…that would have been bad. Anyway, so I’m leaving for India tomorrow! I’ll be there for three weeks doing all sorts of fun things. Wanna know specifically what I’m up to? You do? Thought so. You should follow my India blog while I’m gone! Go here:

I’m also blogging for the Study Abroad office, but it’ll be the same entries, so if you wanna read the updates twice, you can go there, too.

We’ll return to normal programming (i.e. updates HERE on school and internshipy stuff) after the trip. I’ll be back in January! ‘Til then!

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