Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm fairly sure my brain is rebelling

We have a midterm today. A big, scary, no-one-knows-what-to-expect midterm. I've been studying for three brain has actually stopped absorbing information. So...blogpost!

I have to distract myself for a little while in order to restart my brain. I'm finding it to be more and more difficult to study the closer May gets. I make myself do it, but it's almost like nothing it sticking. It's frustrating. I just have so much to do that my limited mental capacity is overwhelmed and my normally receptive brain becomes a stubborn two year old shouting "Nu-uh! No! No more studying!" *sigh*

I mean, not only do I need to study for midterms, keep up in class (which is WAY harder this semester than it has been...we have SO MUCH TO DO), apply for jobs, keep up with jobs I've applied for but that aren't panning out OR rejecting me (frustrating, BTW), and go to work, I also have all the normal stuff like taking care of the puppy and cleaning the house and being social and grocery shopping and showering and occasionally eating and sleeping and...*system failure*

I need a break - not because I need to rest, but because I need time to actually do stuff for me, not for other people. I need work and school and life to leave me alone for a few days and let me catch up on being a normal, functioning adult. I feel like I'm constantly sitting on the verge of a panic attack, and it's not conducive to, you know, being productive and what not.

So, maybe writing a blogpost wasn't the best I feel MORE stressed. Great. Exam in an hour and my brain is still whirling around in a spinning rainbow of death and I can't find the force-quit button...

...gonna go get more coffee and google "cute baby animals"...

UPDATE: that was terrible

[remainder of update not included due to the fact that I'm too upset to write an acceptable post explaining why it was terrible - trust me, you wouldn't want to read it]

Is it graduation yet?

1 comment:

  1. The first thing to cut out is Being Social. My friends miss me too, but they'll see me when I graduate.

    So, I was looking for a TOMS logo and found your blog, I can relate sister, I'm a month and half from graduating too. We can do it!
