Monday, November 15, 2010

Take this survey and I'll give you cookies!

Okay...not really...I can't legally do that considering I have to keep all responses anonymous...but, you'll get a warm, fuzzy feeling 'cause you were helpful...kinda the same as cookies, right?

We're conducting primary research for our Marketing Research class, and we need to know what college students think about "immediate consumption beverage" purchases (i.e. the drinks you buy at a gas station/Walgreens/Club Red/vending know, the ones you're gonna drink right away? Those). We'd really appreciate your help - we need as many responses as possible.

So, since you're here anyway (and this only takes like ten minutes, tops), would you take it? Please?...pretty please?...pretty please with a cherry on top? Click below.

If you're still reading, but didn't click above...wrong choice...go back and try again. Thanks y'all!

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