Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So, yeah, that accounting test I was so worried about?

Easiest exam EVER! I'm not kidding. I finished in like 30 minutes (which is unheard of for me...probably 'cause I usually check and re-check my answers somewhere around three times, but whatever). I was actually a little worried I'd missed something, like an essay question or instructions that said "please answer in pig-latin" couldn't have been THAT easy, right? Wrong. Everyone else seemed to think the same thing.

So, good news guys! Our exams are occasionally simple and to the point. "Did you pay attention in class, do your homework, and study (even a little)? You did? Well, yay you! You'll do great!"

I spent the rest of my day running around Fayetteville, delivering invitations to a party I'm throwing next week (on November 18th...if you can figure out the theme based on the date alone, we should be friends).
I love planning parties...probably more than most things...and this one has been in the works for about a year, so it should be awesome. There will be an entire update dedicated to it, no worries.

To those of you currently judging me (you know who you are): "Psh." I'm passionate about something...and employers like passion, right? This is a good thing!

After my invite delivery adventures, I spent a few hours at Rick's Bakery (one of the best places in Fayetteville to do homework), updating a survey and finalizing it for distribution. Once it's ready, I'm going to post a link on my blog. If you're a kind hearted individual and want to help out a few MBA students, we'd love to have you take it...please? Check back for the link. 'Til then, readers!

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