Monday, September 13, 2010

Wondering where I went?

Confession: I have been a bad blogger…I’m sorry. I promise to do better from now on.

So, as you might have guessed from the lack of updates, I’ve been a bit busy as of late. In order to give you a better picture as to what has kept me so busy, I’m going to give you the hi-lights in this post, and further elaborate in subsequent posts throughout the week. Good plan? I thought so, too.

Okay, highlights:

¨      First India class
¨      First Professional Development Class
¨      Supplier Joint Business Plan Summit at Walmart
¨      Internship Experience Presentations, Round One
¨      Networking Lunch with the Arkansas Executive Forum
¨      Forest Gump and Pancakes
¨      Internship Experience Presentations, Final Round
¨      Farmers’ Market and Ozark Harvest Food Festival (oh, and more football!)

So, any of the above have you intrigued? Even if it doesn’t, you should check back tomorrow. Plenty of fun-packed posts to come. ‘Til then, readers, and welcome to September!

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