Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mwahaha - take that, boys!

Okay, a break from the slew of "catch-up" themed posts you've been getting lately. Wanna know what happened last night?!?

Well, we had our poster session. What was that, you ask? Each student that did an internship this summer designed a poster that highlighted their responsibilities, experiences, learnings, etc. Then, we all gathered with our fancy (and expensive) posters in the Alumni House and invited all sorts of businesses and students to come wander around and ask us questions. Wanna see my poster? Here you go:
Throughout the session, those walking around were filling out quiz sheets. Each student had submitted a trivia question about their company. If the employer/student filled out their sheet and turned it in, they won a prize (gift cards or Razorback tickets).
My trivia question: How many cups of Dannon yogurt are eaten worldwide every minute?
Answer: Ha! You'll have to read the rest of the post to find out!

Anyway, in addition to awarding prizes to the attendees, we found out what rank each of the four presentation finalists got - AND we got trophies! Well, I'm sure you're all on pins and needles to know the results (pretend you are and humor me, okay?). So, here goes:
Fourth: Issam, Third: Alex, Second:  ME!!!, First: Jamie
Excited? I was! Oh, Jamie and I LOVED that the girls got the top two! In the years they've held this competition, they've never had a girl win (though Stacy and Sarah were finalists last year), and THIS year, we took the TOP TWO SPOTS! Ha! Yay us!
That made the remainder of the poster session even better - people had something specific to come talk to me about, so it really drove traffic to my station. I met with several great employers and everyone was very encouraging. It was also really fun to walk around afterwards and look at the posters all of my classmates made. Wanna see a few? Here ya go:
In other news, the Chairman of Saatchi and Saatchi came to one of our classes today (eeeek!). His presentation was really interesting, but then again, I may be a bit biased. We also had the career fair today. I handed out several resumes and took quite a few business cards. We'll see what comes of it, there were several promising leads! I'll keep you updated, of course.

Okay, off to do more homework like a good student. I'll finish up my "catch-up" posts tomorrow. 'Til then, reader!

Oh yeah, trivia answer: 78,000 (I know, be impressed)


  1. Hi Alana-
    Sometimes I read these for nostalgia, and happened to run across your post about the presentation. Congrats on placing and doing so well. It's true that a woman hadn't won before, but it's not true that women hadn't placed. Sarah Clark and I were both in the top 4 last year. Anyway, had to defend our honor ;) Keep up the good work, and good luck in the job hunt! -- Stacy

  2. Good to know! We were misinformed then. Edits will be made accordingly :) Hope you and baby are well!
