Friday, August 6, 2010

Did August sneak up on anyone else? is it August already? Not only that, but how has a week of August already gone by? It amazes me how quickly time disappears. Also, it is HOT here. Not, "Oh, it's summer" hot, like "I think my skin is melting and I'm pretty sure I can swim through this air"'s upsetting. Hurry up, fall!

Anyway, I don't have a tremendous amount to report from last week. I had a lovely weekend in St. Louis with my parents and family. We took my cousins to the Arch, the City Museum, and the Zoo (entertaining kids is exhausting!).
I got home late Sunday night and didn't really feel like I'd had a weekend before it was time to head back to work on Monday morning. The week went by quickly, though, full of Retail Link, Excel, conference calls and meetings.

I did have a little treat on Wednesday evening. We are blessed to have a great performing arts center in downtown Fayetteville - the Walton Arts Center. They bring in all of the big, touring Broadway shows, and on Wednesday nights, students can get discount tickets (in this instance, 50% off!). The theater is small enough that none of the seats feel very far away from the stage, so even with the "cheap" seats, you still have a great view of the show. My friend Lauren and I went to see Beauty and the Beast. It is my favorite childhood movie, and I've seen the musical several times, but no matter what, it always makes me smile and giggle like a little kid. Afterwards we grabbed a quick dinner at Kosmos (a cute, affordable little Greek place on Dickson). I love laid back nights with girlfriends - they make the occasionally boring work week go by faster.

Now it's Friday and this weekend is going to be PACKED! Two of my best friends are in town from Minnesota (Kevin got a job and took Vicky away to the frozen north last summer, so we rarely see them). We have all sorts of fun "Fayetteville" plans, so I'm sure I'll have a great "Life in Northwest Arkansas" post for you in a few days (which should involve, wait for it...a drive-through zoo! No, I'm not kidding).

On top of all of that fun, my internship reports are due on Monday, so that's going to add some unwanted "work" time to this weekend. We have to submit: an executive summary (how did the summer go, what did you accomplish, what did you learn type thing), a poster (a pictorial depiction of the summary), and a presentation. They are just drafts, but my perfectionist nature doesn't always understand the concept of "drafts," so it's probably going to take me longer than I'd like to get everything put together.

So, dear readers, I'm off to enjoy a few (unnecessarily warm) days with my favorite people. I'm sure there will be many, many pictures and fun stories to share, so check back (I mean, drive-through zoo, I KNOW you're curious...). 'Til then, friends!

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