Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Business Plan Boot Camp, Day 2 (and more Birthday fun!)

Okay, I know I disappeared for like a week, but I did promise a Boot Camp update, so here you go. We had our second class last Saturday. The focus of this session was mostly plan analysis. We went through a copy of Biologics’ plan and “graded” it according to the Governor’s Cup rubric. Going about it that way allowed us to see what exactly was expected out of these plans – type of background info, research, planning and foresight, etc. This way, once we start the semester, we aren’t writing blind – we have some solid plans to look to for reference.

After lunch we discussed our assignment for the week. Dr. Reeves had charged us with identifying a “pain” in someone’s life – big or small, personal or public, solvable or not. We then had to explain whether we thought that our “pain” presented a viable business opportunity. The point of the assignment was to get us thinking like entrepreneurs – since that’s kinda the point of the class and all. The responses were all so varied – it was interesting to hear what some of our classmates came up with. It shed a little more light onto how everyone thought (which will be helpful for forming groups).

We also listened to a presentation from the on-campus patent office – he shared several technologies and ideas that the U of A has patented (or is working to patent) that could be turned into businesses. THIS was what we were all waiting for – the IDEAS! The atmosphere in the room changed after that presentation. You could feel people tense up – in that excited, semi-competitive, itching-to-get-going way. All of a sudden the class felt more real.

That night I went out with several people from class and a bunch of my other friends from Fayetteville to celebrate my birthday. We had dinner at Hammontree’s (complete with cake from Rick’s Bakery and fantastic brownie cupcakes with fudge icing), then spent some time at the Wine Cellar (one of my favorite places in Fayetteville).
Oh, but that wasn’t my only birthday celebration. At work on Monday, the office surprised me with a cake (and, of course, that embarrassing singing thing…is there anyone out there who doesn’t feel uncomfortable when an entire room of people sings to them? At least it’s embarrassing in a good way.) My office is so sweet – they really make me feel like part of the team.

Honestly, the rest of the week kinda drug by – full of excel crashes, heatstroke, and packing. Thursday was especially full – I had three meetings to attend, the CEO and SVP of Sales were in the office all day, AND we moved out of the apartment. Moving went smoothly, though, thanks to all the help – several guys from the program came over to help my roommate and me move the “big stuff.” Another perk of Walton’s smaller program – you make good enough friends that they’re willing to help you move your couches across town in 95 degree heat. Thanks, guys!

On a side note, Gigi did NOT help - she made messes all week. This was my favorite. I left her for five minutes and she killed an elephant...and strew it's fuzzy insides ALL over the living room...thanks, Gigi...that was lovely...
After that, the weekend was a welcome treat. It started off (early) Friday afternoon with an office pool party and BBQ (our boss scooted everyone out the door at 3pm – no one complained). One of the guys in the office has just moved into a new house, and he and his wife were gracious enough to have us all over for dinner. Most people even brought their families over, so I got to meet all the wives and kids (who spent the whole night in the pool). I’m starting to feel like a “real” employee at Dannon, not just an intern or a temp – it’s nice. I’m happy here.

The rest of the weekend flew by – unpacking, ice cream socials, laundry, surprise dinners with old friends, etc. Now the week has started up again, and it’s back to work. Nothing too exciting planned for this week – mostly trying to get the new place all set up (I’ll post pics when it’s done). Oh, and I’m going BACK to St. Louis this weekend (we’ve got family coming into town). Should be a fun time, I’ll keep you updated. ‘Til then, dear readers! Happy Tuesday!

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