Saturday, June 26, 2010

Razorback Relief

So much for a relaxing Saturday, but days like today are one reason I love Fayetteville.

I started out at the Farmers' Market down on the square. The main "wares" for sale now have gone from flowers to veggies, which always makes me wanna buy bags and bags of produce and cook a week's worth of yummy, fresh meals.

After the market I went to help out at Razorback Relief. A group called Numana organized this gigantic marathon of meal-relief-bag packing. They started last night (June 24th) at 7pm and packed bags for 24 hours straight.

Here are a couple of links with more information:!/razorbackrelief

I arrived about 10 am and I was shown to one of about 60 tables in our indoor track center. At the table were four huge tubs (one with vitamin powder, one with chicken flavored soy granules, one with dried beans, and one with rice). We were to measure out specific amounts of each into small bags, weigh them, seal them, and pack everything up in a box. The bags not only had cooking instructions and nutritional information, but this entire section on how to avoid scams. They said stuff like "Always know where your children are and who they are with," and "Remember: No one can force you to work in exchange for food, water, or drugs."

Here's a shot of what the insanity looked like:

I stayed for about 4 hours and our table alone packed about 2,000 bags. The atmosphere inside the arena was awesome - we called the hogs twice, sang the fight song, watched a competition between a table of Razorback football players and group of girl scouts (the Razorbacks won), and did a few rounds of Backstreet Boys sing-alongs (not our music choice...but fun still). While I was there we went from 800,000 bags packed to over 1,000,000! When we crossed that million bag mark the entire room erupted. It was a great four hours. (The last time I checked they had broken the world record and were headed towards 1.4 million meals! Go Hogs!)


After Razorback Relief I headed home. I had several loads of laundry to do, meals to make for next week, a puppy to check on, and a WORLD CUP game to watch.

Regarding said game - SO MUCH STRESS! Did you watch it? Oh, if the ball barely missed the net one more time, I think I might have had a heart attack. And I can't say it enough - Landon Donovan is WONDERFUL! We may have lost, but Uruguay will destroy Ghana in the next game, so all is well (and honestly, as long as Spain is still in it, I'm happy).

Now, I'm cuddled with the puppy on the couch, watching a movie on Netflix, trying to figure out which room to tackle next - the roommate and I have found a new place to live (yay!), so we're slowly starting to pack up the apartment.

That's all for now, dear readers, more to come this week (I promise I'll finally blog about New York...and give travel tips!) Check back soon!

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