Sunday, May 9, 2010

Exams = OVER! I now have one third of an MBA!


This past week was, to say the least, a bit stressful. We had four exams and two assignments to survive AND it was a busy week at work. In addition to the weekly reports I run, I have to analyze two additional reports during the first week of every month (one of which we turn into it's kinda important). Adding those additional hours on top of all of the study time was almost too much.

I survived though, mostly thanks to my "group." We've built a nice little network within the program, and since we all have different strengths and backgrounds, we're able to help each other out. We studied for several of the exams together, and though I am normally a proponent of individual study time, I do have to admit that the group discussions did more for my comprehension than any amount of solo studying would have.

I think that shows a key difference between the graduate program and my years in undergrad. Before, most group work was very one sided (one person does all the work and the rest of the group benefits while doing nothing noteworthy). This semester, we've all contributed. We understand that we'll get more out of the time if we help each other, so we spend time discussing confusing problems and share methods that help us work through them. I'm looking forward to the next two semesters knowing that I have this tiny support group.

For now, though, classes are over, exams are finished, and "summer" is here. Our focus for the next three months: internships!

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